Digital Agenda Vienna
cbased designed a process that strongly involves the citizens in the deliberations and decisions for the future Digital Agenda Vienna – the strategy for the defining Vienna´s course in the digital age. course of the City of Vienna.
We provided the online platform and designed a 3-step process which was based on an idealised strategy formulation process:
- Collection of ideas
- Organisation of ideas and document drafting in working groups
- Validation of arguments contained in the document
Phase 1 and 3 were done online to allow broad participation. The second involved workshops populated by experts and volunteers that participated online.
The Digital Agenda Vienna is a best practice example of an open innovation project. 105 ideas have been developed by 867 participants that made 320 comments and 1303 votings. Matching the citizen ideas with expert knowledge substantially enlarged the “action space” and led to proposals that would have been neither developed by citizens or experts working in isolation.
CSC provided the project management for the Digital Agenda Vienna process.
The three step process portrays an innovation process starting with an ideation phase, followed by the elaboration and structuring of ideas. The resulting strategy will then be validated by the crowd.
The ideation and validation phase was organised online on the platform. This was combined with offline deliberations and events to involve different groups and reap the benefits of real interactions.
A well designed process consisting of online and offline elements increases participation and productivity of deliberations. Still process management is key to create attention for the process and involve relevant stakeholder groups and citizens.

Read the blog and join the discussion
Read about our insights into the working of the open innovation process.
More resources
Here is the webpage of the City of Vienna covering its Digital Agenda.
Download the main report here.
Download the follow on report here.
Technopolis Belgium is the main contractor.
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