Specific Support to Tunisia
Hannes Leo is part of a team of independent European R&I policy experts that provides advise on specific issues in the Tunisian R&I system.
The goal of the PSF Specific Support to Tunisia is to support Tunisian authorities on possible reforms to undertake in the context of the ongoing restructuring of the national R&I system. The experts will focus on (i) Policy mechanisms to promote private participation in R&D and strengthen public-private cooperation in research, and (ii) development of a methodology for defining research priorities by combining bottom-up consultation processes with top-down defined priorities .
The project in ongoing with the final report due at the end of the first half of 2019.
The PSF is managed by Technolpolis Belgium. The study group is chaired by Philippe Busquin – former Commissioner for Research.
Alessandro Muscio is the rapporteur. Katrin Milzow and Florent Olivier are contributing expter. Here you can find more information about the team.
It is definitely too early to talk about the main insights but you may be interested in the background report on the Tunisian innovation system.
Read the blog and join the discussion
Read about our insights into the Slovak Startup Ecosystem and join the discussion on Discuto.io
More resources
Here is the webpage of the Commission´s Policy Support Facility Programme
Technopolis Belgium is the main contractor.

Dissemination event
The dissemination event will take place in June in Tunis. Updates will follow and the report will be made available here as soon as it is out.